Shammas' statement on Tyre Nichols' death

Tonight, people across the country and around the world are watching a sickening video, in which a handcuffed man is brutally beaten to death by police officers in Memphis.

Tyre Nichols deserved life - a long, full, beautiful life. And it is particularly sad that that the way in which his life was stolen means that his name will live on as a symbol of a violent, cruel act. My heart goes out to Tyre's family, to his loved ones, and to his memory.

The officers in Memphis have been fired and arrested and charged, but that is not justice. Justice is when there are no more brutal videos - in Cleveland or Akron or Memphis or anywhere else. Justice is when we commit to profoundly change the way in which all institutions in our society - including our policing systems - interact with Black people. And every single one of us has a responsibility to be a part of that change.

Shammas Malik